Friday 26 October 2012

Stir Fried Choi Sum and Pork

Choi Sum

I noticed a pretty Asian Green with tiny yellow flowers called Choi Sum in our local Asian food market. This flowering cabbage has long crisp stalks and fragile leaves. I wasn’t quite sure how to use it so I asked one of the customers. She kindly shared a recipe.

Stir fried Choi Sum

Slice 3 garlic cloves (or to taste) finely.
Stir fry in 1 tablespoon of canola or peanut oil until they are golden brown.
Add some sliced pork (about 250 grams)
Stir fry again for a few minutes until the meat is browned and cooked.
Chop a bunch of Choi Sum (stalks and all).
Add the chopped Choi Sum to the frying pan/wok and stir fry again for a minute or two.
Then add salt to taste and its done!

“No soya sauce? I asked.” No other ingredients?” It seemed too easy.
“The garlic and salt are enough,” she said. “And you can leave out the meat if you wish, although we think it is tastier with.”
I bought a bunch of Choi Sum, some garlic, and some organic pork and went home to cook it. And it is a nice homely dish which is cooked in a flash. 


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